For the purpose of studying the toponyms of Keshikchidagh monuments, an agreement was reached with doctor of sciences on philology Valeh Nasibli.

“Keshikchidagh” State Historical and Cultural Reserve, which operates under the State Service of Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation, was held in Guba in July this year in order to further study and promote the monuments located in the territory of the reserve, as well as to bring the scientific research conducted in the territory of the reserve to the international arena. To the “VI International Dada Gorgud Turkish Culture, History and Literature” conference, the article of Valeh Nasibli, doctor of sciences on philology, associate professor of Gazakh branch of BSU and Pashshanova Unnab, an employee of the reserve, were sent, accepted, and awarded with a certificate at the end of the conference. As a continuation of this, a round table was organized in the administrative building of the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical and Cultural Reserve with the participation of Valeh Nasibli, associate professor of the Gazakh branch of BSU, doctor of sciences on philology and Imash Hajiyev, associate professor of the Gazakh branch of BSU, doctor of sciences on art studies, the main goal of the round table was to study of toponyms the monuments located in the reserve area, such as Garasoy, Galtan, Ceyranchukhur, Sajdaghi. Valeh Nasibli stated that there is a great need to investigate these toponyms in the near future, as in-depth studies have not been conducted. In the end, an agreement was reached on joint cooperation.

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