The Jeyranchol plain, where the “Keshikchidagh” State historical and cultural reserve is located, is one of the areas with the oldest traces of habitation. Acheulean period outdoor living camps discovered here suggest this.
Scientific-research and archeological-excavation works have been carried out regularly since the date of the creation of the reserve. As a continuation of these studies, on the initiative of the State Service for the Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Russian scientists visited the Jeyranchol area, where the Keshikchidagh caves complex is located, in order to conduct scientific research and exploration, and conducted exploratory research in the living camps located here. As a result of research, two new living camps and about 20 burial mounds were discovered. In the future, it is aimed to continue research in this field in a wider and comprehensive manner.