Our project “Scientific-archeological excavations and summer school in Keshikchidagh” implemented with the support of the State Service for Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan from June 15 to July 30 was successfully completed, and our volunteers were awarded certificates. Emil Rahimov and Nazrin Juranli, two of our young participants in this project, were presented with Certificates in the administrative building of “Keshikchidagh” State Historical and Cultural Reserve because they couldn’t participate in the presentation (for good reasons).
It should be noted that Emil Rahimov is studying at the Faculty of Design of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics. Nazrin Juranli was admitted to the Faculty of State and Public Relations of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, gaining 618 points in the exam on the III specialty group.
On behalf of our team, we wish both young people success in their future endeavors.