On the occasion of September 27 Remembrance Day, a series of events are carried out in Aghstafa district as well as in the country.

On the occasion of September 27 Remembrance Day, a series of events are carried out in Aghstafa district as well as in the country. On the occasion of this day, a round table was organized in the administrative building of “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural Reserve located in Aghstafa district. Shamil Najafov, head of the expedition conducting scientific research and archaeological excavations in the territory of the reserve within the framework of the project “Scientific-archaeological excavations and summer school in Keshikchidagh-4”, leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, PhD on history, associate professor, the leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, PhD on History, associate professor Vagif Asadov, the researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, restorer-artist Farhad Farmanov and the employee of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University, Doctor of Philology Valeh Nasibov participated at the round table. At the round table, first of all, the souls of our martyrs who died for the freedom of our land were commemorated with a minute of silence. Later, the director of the reserve, Musa Mursaguliyev, noted that on September 27, the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan began, and our people demonstrated unity and solidarity with determination and will.
May God have mercy on our martyrs.

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