One of the richest archaeological monuments of the Ganja-Gazakh region is the ancient settlement of Tavatape, located in the Ashagi Kasaman village of Aghstafa district.

One of the richest archaeological monuments of the Ganja-Gazakh region is the ancient settlement of Tavatape, located in the Ashagi Kasaman village of Aghstafa district. In the excavations carried out under the leadership of ANAS Archeology and Anthropology Institute, a doctor of philosophy of history, Associate Professor Bakhtiyar Jalilov, with the participation of foreign experts – Turkish and Italian archaeologists, the management and staff of the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural Reserve, visited the region the subject of archeology, systematization according to periods, examination of methods, to learn the mechanisms the working of the geoscan device. Bakhtiyar Jalilov, associate professor of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in history, told our employees that the archaeological research works conducted for 3 years in the Tavatape settlement have already yielded their results. The remains of buildings made of clay bricks and river stones typical of the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age, farm jars, wells, various pottery vessels, and stone tools are dated to the end of the 2nd millennium – the 1st millennium BC. The members of the Azerbaijan-Italy international archaeological expedition stated in response to the questions of the reserve employees that the temple, which is the remains of a primitive ritual building in the monument belonging to the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age, is considered the first find not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the Caucasus due to its uniqueness.
In the end, detailed views were exchanged with the Goranboy expedition about the fact that the unique monument is multi-period and multi-layered, and about its protection.

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