In recent times, scientific research and archaeological excavations have become widespread in our region - "Keshikchidagh" and "Avey" State historical and cultural reserves.

In recent times, scientific research and archaeological excavations have become widespread in our region – “Keshikchidagh” and “Avey” State historical and cultural reserves. In this regard, a group of intellectuals interested in scientific research, consisting of local and foreign experts, regularly organizes tours to historical monuments and areas where scientific-archaeological excavations are conducted. One such tour was organized to Gazakh-Aghstafa region on August 26-27, 2023. As part of the tour in Aghstafa, the representatives who traveled to the territory of “Keshikchidagh” State historical and cultural reserve visited the caves, mounds and other monuments located in the territory of the reserve. In the future, it is planned to organize such tours during the project called “Scientific-archaeological excavations in Keshikchidagh and Summer school-3”, which will be organized in the territory of the reserve.

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