In accordance with the approved work plan of the “Keshikchidagh” State historical and cultural reserve, at the initiative of the State Service of Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Russian scientists were sent here to conduct scientific research and exploration in the Jeyranchol area, where the Keshikchidagh caves complex is located.
A round table organized in the administrative building of the reserve attendance with Ocherednoy Alexander Konstantinovich, candidate of historical sciences of the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences located in the St. Petersburg region of the Russian Federation, Sergey Alexandrovich Kulakov, doctor of historical sciences, Anoikin Anton Alexandrovich, doctor of historical sciences of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences located in the city of Novosibirsk, Idris Idrisov Abdulbutayevich a geologist of Geology Institute of Dagestan Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Azad Zeynalov, PhD on history, a specialist in the stone age of the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS. The guests were first introduced to a small museum-type stand. One of the main goals that attracts them to the Jeyranchol area is the presence of residential camps here, taking into account that Jeyranchol is located in the area of Mingachevir and Dumanisi.Conducted by scientists
as a result of the researches, crude tools belonging to the Middle Paleolithic period were discovered in the Karvan valley, Saggizli (Achelian) and Garabigh living camps. The aim is to conduct joint researches with “Keshikchidagh” State historical and cultural reserve in a continuous and targeted manner, as well as to operate an international expedition in these areas in the future.