Within the framework of the project "Scientific-archaeological excavations in Keshikchidagh and Summer school-3" on 01.10.2023, about 60 students of the Faculty of History of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University visited Garasoy mounds No.1 and No.2.

In accordance with the initiative of the State Service of the Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture, the support of the Aghstafa District Executive Power and the approved work plan of the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural Reserve in the territory of the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural Reserve 07.09.2023-06.10.2023. Our project called “Scientific-archaeological excavations in Keshikchidagh and Summer school 3” was started. Our project is about to be completed. In order to get acquainted with these archaeological excavations, students of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University and regional volunteers regularly organize excursions to the area.
Within the framework of the project “Scientific-archaeological excavations in Keshikchidagh and Summer school-3” on 01.10.2023, about 60 students of the Faculty of History of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University visited Garasoy mounds No.1 and No.2. Here they found pottery samples, decorations objects, bronze weapons and other material and cultural samples. Later, the young people participated in the Master Class held by docent of the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in history, archaeologist Shamil Najafov. They received information about the trade relations with the countries, including the methods of conducting archaeological excavations.
The event was covered by representatives of Mass Media.

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