The project called "Scientific-archaeological excavations and summer school in Keshikchidagh-4" is carried out jointly organized by the State Service of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS in the territory of the "Keshikchidagh" State Historical-Cultural Reserve located in the territory of Aghstafa region.

The project called “Scientific-archaeological excavations and summer school in Keshikchidagh-4” is carried out jointly organized by the State Service of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS in the territory of the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural Reserve located in the territory of Aghstafa region. Teachers and students of the Gazakh State Socio-Economic College visited the archaeological excavation site to get a closer look at the archaeological excavations carried out in the Karvan valley mounds located in the Keshikchidagh Mounds Valley and got to know the artefacts obtained from there. Students were also given detailed information about the history of our region, including the reserve, monuments, their protection and promotion, and their questions were answered by scientists.

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