“Keşikçidağ” mağaralar kompleksinin ərazisi Azərbaycanın tarixi torpaqları olmaqla, buradakı qədim və orta əsrlər maddi-mədəniyyət nümunələri də ulu əcdadlarımızdan xalqımıza qalan mirasdır.
At the event held in the administrative building of the Aghstafa district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) on October 18 - "Day of the restoration of independence" and the 30th anniversary of the founding of the New Azerbaijan Party, Huseynova Fazila Huseyn gizi, an employee of the "Keshikchidagh" State historical and cultural reserve, spoke about the "For her active participation of social-political life of the New Azerbaijan Party Aghstafa district organization" was awarded with an honorary decree. We congratulate our employee and wish her continued success.