“Keshikchidagh” State Historical and Cultural Reserve held an online seminar dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the January 20 tragedy. At the seminar, the management and staff of the reserve shared their views on this event, which is one of the most tragic and proud pages of our history, which demonstrates the fighting spirit of our people. Parviz Gasimov, head of the Public Relations Department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, historian-archaeologist, Doctor of Philosophy in History, who is currently conducting archeological excavations in the reserve, a living witness of the January 20 tragedy, shared his memories at the seminar. The participants of the seminar unanimously supported the idea that the victory of the heroic Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the 44-days war should be considered as a celebration of the cause of justice of our martyrs sacrificed their lives.
We respectfully commemorate all the martyrs who died for the freedom of our homeland, and ask God to have mercy.