The Gudrat (Power) Spring – the healing pearl of the Keshikchidag caves complex, our holy place of worship. As Keshikchidag territory is an ancient settlement, beliefs and cults are widespread in this area. The spring, which is a memorial to the history of fireworks, is located 500 meters north of “The peak named after Ilham Aliyev”, at 850 meters above sea level, within cliffs. The name of the spring is power and this is related to the fact that the water has a mythological effect. The spring, which is a perfect gift from nature, with useful minerals and pure crystal water, adds a special touch to the beauty of the Keshikchidag caves complex. In spite of the drought, around the spring sprout grows trees, figs, crab pears, raspberries and other trees that are believed by the local population. From ancient times to the present day, the local population has a very strong belief in the Power Spring as a sacred historical monument.