A scientific-practical seminar entitled “Cultural heritage of the western region of Azerbaijan: archaeological research and perspectives” was held by the “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural reserve with the joint organization of the State Service of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Aghstafa District Executive Power, ANAS Institute of Archeology and Anthropology in the Heydar Aliyev Center of Aghstafa district, on 26.07.2024. The main goal of the scientific-practical seminar is to bring the results of scientific research and archaeological excavations in the western region of Azerbaijan to the attention of the public. In the scientific-practical seminar, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition of material and culture samples found in the reserve, which was established in the Heydar Aliyev Center of Aghstafa region, as well as the process of restoration of the artifacts found in a fragmented state by the reserve employee.
Later, Musa Mursaguliyev, the director of “Keshikchidagh” State Historical-Cultural reserve declared the seminar open and gave the word to the speakers.
On behalf of the State Service of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Fariz Huseynli, press secretary of the State Service, and Farhad Guliyev, director of the Institute, PhD in history, associate professor, on behalf of the ANAS Institute of Archeology and Anthropology, welcomed the participants and wished success to the work of the seminar.
Zuleyha Gizem Ozer, an expert who is currently engaged in radiocarbon analysis in the Republic of Turkey in order to determine the exact age of the material and cultural samples discovered in the reserve, an employee of the Erzurum Restoration and Conservation Regional Laboratory of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, the General Department of Cultural Monuments and Museums, joined the online seminar and analyzed informed the participants of the seminar about the progress of their work.
Bakhtiyar Jalilov, head of the department of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor, who conducted archaeological excavations and scientific research in our region, including the territory of the reserve, Yagub Mammadov, PhD in history, leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, Azad Zeynalov, leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in history, associate professor, Valeh Nasibov, doctor of philological sciences, employee of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University, Indira Samadova, head teacher of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University, honored history teacher, spoke with their articles at the seminar.
Parviz Gasimov, researcher of Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in history, participated in the online seminar and gave a report about the archaeological excavations he conducted in the territory of the reserve, and Zaur Bayramov, director of Ganja Regional Tourism Information Center, about the importance of developing archaeological tourism.
At the seminar, the management and employees of the Avey State Historical-Cultural Reserve, the management and employees of the “Ancient Shamkir City” State Historical-Cultural Reserve, employees of the Ganja Regional Department of the State Service, employees of the Tovuz, Gazakh, Aghstafa regional history and ethnography museums, employees of the Gazakh branch of Baku State University, employees of the Education Sector for Aghstafa region of Gazakh-Tovuz Regional Education Department and history teachers of general education institutions operating in Aghstafa district participated.
Scientific workers of the reserves operating under the State Service of Cultural Heritage Conservation, Development and Rehabilitation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan joined the seminar online and listened to the reports and addressed their questions.
The scientific-practical seminar has successfully completed its work.