7 September 2018 As a tolerant country, the attitude has always been positive towards monuments serving different religious beliefs, created at different times in Azerbaijan. One of those monuments is “Keshikchidag” cave complex. Those who have inherited that culture to us, both fireworks and Christians, essentially have the same purpose-moral and ethical perfection, propagating the philosophy of the goddesses and they became its followers. Visiting the cave-temples as a sacred place, as well as attracting tourists to it, is a triumph of religious freedom and tolerance, as well as the introduction of these monuments to the world. It should be noted that, rich frescoes based on Biblical scriptures, on the walls and ceilings of the cave located on the territory of the reserve are a magnificent monument of art that has no analogues in the republic. The specificity of these examples is that, regardless of who they are painting, the Christian art, as a clear example of monumental wall painting is important. Keeping these examples up to date is a visual proof of tolerance in our republic. But over time, a valuable monument, subjected to physical exposure, loses its visual effect. Besides, during the period of the Soviet military landfill in the area, separate parts of the images were scattered with blunt tools, put in a rough condition. There have been stay also rough statements even previously written by the soldiers in Russian language in scratched places.