From the fauna of our reserve…
The spotted butterfly, which lives in open areas, dry pastures at an altitude of 2700 m above sea level, is rarely found in the Keshikchidagh caves complex.
The spotted butterfly is a medium-sized butterfly with wingspan of 38-46 millimeters. The wings have a dark orange-purple background, round black spots arranged in ordinary rows, and the females are covered with a greenish-gray color. The underside of the rear wings is decorated with large pearl spots and is crossed with a black line behind the rear wings. Some pearl spots are also visible on the upper part of the front wings. This species has been around for three or four consecutive generations almost year-round. The eggs are laid separately on the underside of the leaves of the plant in which they live. The larval cycle is extremely short. The pupa is located between a few leaves that are connected to the silk, between the low vegetation. These species can overwinter at all larval stages. The length of the caterpillar can reach 35 millimeters.